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    Apollo’s endeavour is to work with global and local partners to enable a true GWD centre (India & Overseas), wherein, through a uniquely structured skilling and accreditation system, healthcare professionals can get trained and certified to work across geographies, support in capacity building and share their knowledge and experience. In addition, the idea is to reap economic rewards for the learner and the country (GDP enhancement through remittances).

    • Institutes & centres for medical education & training
    • Centre for skilling, conversion, management & language
    • Model to suit India, UK, GCC, Africa & other countries
    • A Bridge between countries and their healthcare, staff & training needs

    Largest pool of healthcare professionals

    India will continue to have a demographic growth of its young working population till 2035-40. The added advantage is that the country has the highest number of medical colleges globally, 542. In addition, 80,000 MBBS seats are opened annually, and the highest number of nursing colleges in the world, where approximately 60,000 nurses graduate annually.

    Students will get international work experience and develop advanced skills to pursue international job opportunities.

    The need for
    Global Workforce Development

    • Government data from 2020 reflects that India’s doctor-population ratio of 1:1404 is well below the World Health Organisation (WHO).
    • The rising incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the growing geriatric population will generate a demand for 40 million additional health workers globally by 2030.
    • A shortfall of 18 million workers is predicted by 2030.

    Be a part of trained and efficient nursing staff

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    Deliver accurate services by being a world-class radiologist

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    Join the global consultant fraternity

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